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Tense Buster


Concept, Research, Visuals

Project type

UX Research, UI Design, Marketing Promotion


02 September 2015 to 03 July 2016

Tense Buster is an old english learning program that create since 1992. It installed by CD and the learners was around the world. Mostly, they are the school students.

This project is to re-design the program to improve the interfaces and the user experiences to be more user friendly and fit into different (up to date) devices - mobile, tablet and desktop.

Challenges and problem statement

1.  The UI is not responsive, and it is a 4:3 ratio interface.

2.  Graphics and fonts are not readable, far from the term ‘user-friendly design’.

3.  Users are not aware of clickable points on the page.

4.  Layout arrangement is not fit for the device usage nowadays.



1. Re-developing the design system.

2. Finding out the wasted spaces on the page.

3. Creating the responsive design that allow users can use it on different devices easily.



Mary,15 years old
A secondary school student, drama club and dance club member



1 To improve her grammar (tense) in English.

2 To keep up learning wherever she goes.



1 Expects the learning product to be practical, high quality and easy to use

2 Expects her English to improve the more she practise

3 Expects the course will not affect her drama and dance practices



Mary is a student in secondary school in Taiwan , she is not a native in English. Her school have regular English class but she wants to improve her English, especially in tense. She is drama club and dance club member in school. She needs to spend many time on practice in different studio because she has many performances and competitions. It is difficult for her to spend a regular time and space for learning. Mobile is the device that she always uses. So, having a regular systematic course and the course can start in any device remotely is important to her.


This is the primary persona that the client had in mind. We develop the following journey map based on it.

User Journey

A very brief mapping of the customer journey. This project focuses on improving the two highlighted stages: “Choose” and “Purchase”.

Asset 3.png

Design statement

Building the new tense buster interface for secondary school students by fitting it in different devices for relaunch in the next year

User Flow Chat

Several improvements were made to the user flow after ideation brainstorm. For example, the menu change to be 'column' rather than 'grid', navigation bar change from top to bottom.

TB User flow
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